Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Putting things into Perspective

I am the resident life commentator. I am the one that is expected to share my sarcastic and often sardonic wit with the world. I have no sensor and people expect to hear my thoughts. (Note: People EXPECT to hear my thoughts. This is totally different from people WANTING to hear my thoughts.) Even in the midst of a screaming match, I laugh. What can I say? It is a gift and a curse that is a pre-requisite to carry my parents’ DNA. We are good to pass a joke at a funeral. Laughter is our medicine.

But what happens when there is nothing to laugh about…

Both of my parents are currently sitting at home.

While the rest of the world is in a recession, my beloved city of Detroit is in a DEPRESSION.

Every day I attempt to educate a group of students who light up my world but darken my hopes for the future.

My front windshield is cracked.

My feet are flat AND I rock a size 11. Finding shoes is a literal nightmare.

The Lakers are going to win another championship.

Facebook is stalking me.

Jimmy from Degrassi is the hottest rapper out now.

In short, things are all bad right now!!!!

In case, you were not quick enough to catch it, I am using some more of that wit I told you about.

There is ALWAYS something to smile at and there will ALWAYS be something (or some fool) to laugh at.

My parents are not working but they are now able to spend a great deal of time in the house that they spent many years and hours making a home. Yeah Detroit is in a depression but WE single handily invented the middle class and the best shoe game in the world…purple and blue gators anyone?

At least I have a car.

My feet are big but you know what they say about women with big feet! (I am still looking for a response to this, so if you have one send me a message.)

Jimmy/Aubrey Graham/Drake/Random Canadian is that hotness despite his lame beginnings.

And I could go on. It is so much easier to find the bad in a situation but only the strong find the humor to move on. When have you ever heard someone say, “Look at that girl over there, she has a beautiful scowl!” I would believe never; therefore do what the random guy on the street trying to hit on you tells you to do, SMILE!

And while you are at it, LAUGH! Doing so will allow you to LIVE!

As cliché as it may sound, laughter is the best policy.

And honestly, did you think that I would stop using sarcasm? I’ll do that the day I stop breathing because that’s the day I will stop laughing.

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