Sunday, June 28, 2009

Seasons change (and people do too)

There are things we do on a seasonal clockwork.
  • Go through our closets and donate clothes we have NO intention of wearing ever, ever, ever again - this includes that "skort" from 1992
  • Prepare our minds for midterms, finals, major annual projects for work, and any other ongoing events that plague our minds for more than two weeks at a time per year
  • Get an oil change (or remove the sticker in the upper left hand corner of our windshield so our friends/family won't know how long we are overdue, but eventually it gets done)
  • Pull out the toe separaters, so we can keep our toenails poppin' for the summer - all day, everyday
These things come naturally for the most part. We don't need post-it notes, cell phone calendar reminders, or nudges from our friends to keep us on track. Yet, there is one thing that is so hard to do as the seasons change...remove people from our lives. Everyone who walks into our lives is there for a reason, and a good number of those people should only be there for a season. This is not to say that every time we change the batteries in our smoke detectors we should be removing someone from our life. Seasonal people come with their own pre-assigned shelf-life that does not match the calendar year, and it's because of this that we lose track of who has been taking our joy, pulling us down, dampening our spirits, or simply not adding any value to our lives.

So, imagine if we just simplified our lives one bit...

Here is the charge (for my liberated women):

When you are rummaging through your closet, putting off that much-needed oil change :-), or searching for your toe separaters just take one moment, just one moment of your time to sit back and ask yourself...

"Who are the seasonal people in my life?"

Answer the question honestly.

Then take the sometimes difficult, but always rewarding steps towards sweeping them out of your life...

just like you would when you pick up that broom for your annual spring cleaning.

Gotta get it done.

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